Saturday, September 22, 2012

Autumnal Equinox 2012

Happy Equinox! Happy Birthday Blog!!

It's hard to believe a whole year has gone by since I started blogging at Seelie Court. Such a year it's been, so many life changes.... births, deaths, transplants (us, from West to East), awakenings, hurdles, reunions and farewells. Such a bittersweet year, such a growing up year. I'm so grateful for the love I'm surrounded by always, family and fae. Even more than ever do I realize that distance does not mean much at all to ties that bind. True love friendships last forever, even if they evolve and wander.

Seelie Herbal Remedies is becoming Seelie Naturals (Seelie Jewelry and Seelie Soap to start). Florida is SO VERY DIFFERENT than California. In more ways than I can say, so I won't even try. But the magic is strong here, the fairies just a bit wilder. Not to gripe or whine, but the state itself has very strange laws which are making the legalities of Seelie Naturals a bit more of a challenge. I have been provided with some limitations that are inspiring more creativity (along with frustration). //Until I am officially a Cosmetics Manufacturer I cannot sell my products, which are all considered cosmetics. //

This huge limitation has allowed me to revisit an earlier incarnation of my self - that of jewelry designer. I've never set the jewelry tools down, but I did change my focus from jewelry to herbal remedies... and now I'm becoming a hybrid jeweler/herbalist/aromatherapist. I'm exploring themes I have dabbled with over the past few years (aroma jewelery, natural fibers, recycled materials) and bringing back the old loves (gemstones, pearls and metals).

In addition to the jewelry I will be developing some amazing soaps. Real, old fashioned soap. I've evaded soaping for years now, choosing to Just Not Go There probably for fear of Never Turning Back. Maybe it's the image of the old gypsy stirring her cauldron of lye and fats, I don't know. All I know is that the fairies are determined to help me help others Smell Good Naturally, so they've worked their magic and I will be soaping. With my mother!! Two old gypsies, the crone and the mother, cackling and mumbling over a shared cauldron. I can't wait to share Seelie Soap with all of you. Soon, dearies. Soon. (Soap is not considered a cosmetic. Neither is jewelry!)

So the Equinox... I'm balancing the new/old/growing skills to create a magical life for our future. So Seelie. Thank you to the fairies, the Universe, GaiaEarth and my chosen and blood family.
